Thursday, July 23, 2009

Air Conditioning

Installed the outside unit of the ductless split unit for the apartment yesterday. It came from Ac World.

I also met with another spray foam contractor. I'm really looking forward to getting the insulation done since they keep telling me how big the difference will be.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Tubes

Finished installing the solar tubes yesterday. Wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. They don't cover installing them in a flat roof with u-panels in the instructions. There is still a few more chances of rain this week for a leak test otherwise I'll go over everything with a garden hose before the insulation is installed.

As you can see this type of sky light allows in a lot of light. They are more efficient then "window" style sky lights since the surface area in contact with the outside is reduced. And hopefully this ends the questions about my lack of windows.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well I'm finally getting around to posting pictures of the wiring. Everything went well. With the highs getting over 100, I had to do most of the work around 4:00 am. I also ordered the solar tubes for the kitchen and bathroom from Home Depot. They should arrive in another week. They are made by ODL. Once I get them installed I can have the insulation sprayed.